Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It's been an anxious week for me, watching the mail for those last minute feather arrivals and I'm pleased to say that every day for the past four days I've received a package bearing feathery delights.

Upon arriving home tonight I discovered a UPS note stuck to my door announcing that another package had arrived and was waiting in the leasing office for me to retrieve it. I walked down the street, handed the woman my slip and stood there while she fumbled around in the back room looking for it.

When she returned she beamed, holding a single holiday-themed padded envelope, blue and decorated with silvery snowflakes.

"Your packages are my favorite," she said. "Everyone else receives such big ones, but yours," she smiled, lightly shaking the envelope at me before handing it over. "Yours are as light as a feather."


ruth said...

She did not!

Curt Rogers said...

It was like magic, like the universe was winking at me.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.