Wednesday, December 19, 2007

About to Begin...

Duncan didn't get much of a walk tonight because even thought I swore off getting caught up in the holidays I've somehow or another found myself firmly caught up in them. I had to leave work early today in order to take Ken to the airport and then I had to pick up dog food from Hero's, where I also grabbed a new hemp leash. After that I had an appointment with my friend, Connie, who heads up the Medical Office Technology department at ACC. She's been patiently working on a knitting project with me the last few weeks and as I prepare to head home I need to get it completed. I've been running around all night, and rather than sit and blog I find myself frantically knitting i-cord stitches, which I've somehow managed to make much harder than they actually are.

Ken has departed to Michigan, which means my trip is now officially and completely my own. I must admit, part of me was hoping he'd be able to come with me to Idaho, but I must say, now that he's gone, I feel a whole new level of excitement about making the journey. Not anxiety, but excitement. I'm looking forward to finally putting this irrational fear behind me and beginning a whole new phase of my "recovery." I'd like to thank each of you who have sent a feather, as well as those who have feathers still in the mail. Your encouragement has meant the world to me. I've heard from friends and family as well as people I have yet to meet, and the support is at times overwhelming. When I first wrote my magic feather post last month I had no idea I'd feel this good about the drive, that I could literally feel the power of so many people traveling with me. Duncan and I thank you mightily and from the deepest, warmest places in our hearts.

And if you have a minute, think good thoughts for Little Man as he makes his way home for Christmas, his first in three years. His family is looking forward to his arrival and I'm looking forward to seeing his rosy cheeks upon his return.

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