Duncan is a trooper. He has been with me all day, from the moment I got up and made him ride with me to Vitamin Cottage, where I picked up some more Yogi Tea (Egyptian Licorice, Egyptian Licorice Mint, Chamomile and The Cold Season Sampler, which always makes me feel better) to the hours I've spent laying on the couch, dozing off and on as one movie or another plays across the TV. He seems to know I don't feel well and hasn't been too impatient with my desire to hunker down and stay nice and warm, away from the cold and the snow. I'll make it up to him with a good jog through the park some time soon. Meanwhile, I'm going to boil more water, take another hit of Zicam, suck on a Ricola and lay low, let Ken make me dinner when he gets home.

Nice picture.
You need chicken noodle soup. XO
Here's hoping you feel better soon. Get plenty of fluids.
Happy new year!
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