Monday, March 3, 2008


Duncan fell in love with his Berry the moment he first laid eyes on him and they've been inseparable ever since. I try to rotate his toys––The Baby (a squirrel, now missing most of its face and two paws), The Buddy (an opossum which scared the hell out of him when they first met, but once its rather creepy tail was dispatched he warmed right up to it), The Blue Bone (a bright blue plastic toy shaped like a bone) and his Berry (the teddy bear he met while on a brief field trip to the college bookstore where I work)––but he just won't let go of the Berry. He carries it with him all over the house, grooming it, gnawing on the stub that was once its tail, keeping it nice and moist at all times. He curls up with it on the couch, tosses it around when I'm too busy blogging to play, and takes particular joy in slapping it down on my head when I'm in bed, leaving wet little smears across my cheek. He's quite fond of it.

Recently we welcomed a new member of The Duncan Clan, a soft, white sheep with floppy ears and narrow little nostrils we're calling his Bah-Bah. It's a cute thing, and although he's been reluctant to give up any time with Berry, Bah-Bah has slowly been making her way into his heart. He's been very careful not to favor her and has offered Berry equal licking and grooming time, but tonight I caught him cuddling with her on the couch. Berry was nowhere to be found.


Unknown said...

Bah-Bah is adorable...I need one for Alex!

Anonymous said...

Stuffed animals are the best. For a long time I had a mouth-sized Newt Gingrich. Misty would walk around with Newts legs limply dangling from her mouth.

Her dinosaur was her favorite. She never tore into it. I still have it on a book shelf. It brings back the best memories. Bah Bah looks equally memorable.

Lori Whitwam said...

Ah, yes... Sprocket has his duck, and it's funny when one of the Pack sits on it, eliciting the mournful "quaaaaack." And all woobies are best when throughly slimed and crusty, and sporting a few missing body parts! All the better to smear across Mom or Dad's faces! LOVE the picture of Duncan (all of them!)... such a beautiful boy.

ruth said...

B-B is so soft and fluffy! I'd love her and lick her and cuddle her too. Where did she come from?

ruth said...

And did she make it in based on the possibility that an appropriate name for her could start with B?