Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dreams and Devotion

Although Duncan didn't hide under the bed at my departure this morning, he wouldn't leave it. As I gathered my things, packed my lunch and mixed myself a nice iced chai, he curled up next to Winnie and wouldn't move, and even when I came in to scratch behind his ears and give him a kiss on top of his head he barely stirred. Now that he's gotten a taste of how his days could be spent, knows that not too far away is a land of tall trees, glorious water reflecting all the colors of the day and instant four-legged friendships, where dogs run free and everyone carries a tennis ball or two in his or her pocket, I won't be able to compete. Unless, of course, I call in the troops, which even Duncan, in all his infinite wisdom, is helpless against. They've shared far too many times together, battled afternoon boredom and the conspiracies of the cats, somehow muddled through together on long trips to and from Idaho, been steadfast friends during my weekend vacuuming duty. They don't go on walks with us, and these days several of them––the faceless and limbless ones, especially––have been relieved of duty, but he's fiercely loyal to them and can't resist their call.

As long as these guys are on my side, Duncan will always be true to me, and even though he won't get daily swims and trips to the backyards of my friends where he can consume seemingly bottomless bowls of their dog's kibble, his heart will belong right here at home.

(From left to right: Berry, Blue Bone, Baby, Bah-Bah and Buddy)


Lori Whitwam said...

See, one extra-special day, and they become unalterably spoiled! ;-) Dogs are "always or never" kinds of beings, and one day swimming means every day must be swimming! We then have to find other special things on a daily basis! Being a dog-parent is a very grueling (but rewarding) job.

Lori Whitwam said...

PS: I want to smooch that Duncan-nose SO BAD!!!!!!!

Valerie Cummings said...

OMG! You are so funny! Thank goodness he has his little soldiers to play with!

Anonymous said...

I love chai. Nice photo of Duncan.

Unknown said...

He sure does have the "woe is me" look, doesn't he? My pups give me that look every time I leave the house. Poor, pathetic, neglected pups....yeah, right!

I love that you have different names for his toys. Pretty much anything that isn't a ball at our house is called a "baby". Jack always, and I mean 100% of the time, greets me at the door when I get home with one of his "babies" - it's the cutest thing! If he doesn't realize at first that it's me coming home, and then he sees that it is, he'll run to where ever in the house one of his babies is, grab it, and bring it to me. He is a nut! It's like he is bringing me a prize for coming home to him.

Greg said...

That nose totally needs smooching. The big drama should teach him the paw across the forehead pose...

Rick said...

I wish mine could coexist with the felines. What a great shot.