Riley, everyone's best pal, is one of the kindest, happiest dogs I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with and I love him immensely. His face has whitened considerably, and now, where his big beaming Golden nose and eyes once were I get to kiss an enormous heart-shaped white nose.
The best thing about Riley is that he really knows how to walk. He doesn't tug, is willing to go wherever he's led and wags his tail the entire time. Duncan, in contrast, is all over the place, back and forth across the path, sometimes stopping for five minutes at a time to sniff one place, a tall clump of grass or the base of a lamp post. I could walk Riley for days and never stumble over him and never utter the words, "Leave it," which I say quite often to Dunc.
One thing I do enjoy about Duncan, however, is the clean-up. Since putting him on a raw diet last March, his Big Jobs have actually become quite small, like mouse poops on steroids. Riley, on the other hand, who lives on kibble (which is the dog equivalent of Frosted Flakes), has very Big Jobs which are not very solid and quite... fragrant. Cleaning up after Duncan is a quick and painless process and I don't need to breathe through my mouth at all.
I finally took Duncan over to Heather's to join Riley and I on a walk through their neighborhood and they took to each other like old friends. Riley is much larger than Duncan and tried to dominate him a few times, which Duncan readily let the old boy know was not acceptable, but other than that they got along fine.

Fermented Fur got me started on feeding our dog raw. I actually do raw feedings and allow him his free access to kibble. He just doesn't eat very much kibble anymore! It just sits and sits and he tries to climb on the counter to get his frozen "nuggets". I am so glad to have become educated in the raw arena. Thanks to you too, Curt, for passing this info along. Pun intended...it is beautiful shit!
We've been having similar "should Charlie have a little sister" conversations. I know it's in our future, but I'm not eager for it to happen yet.
Ohhh. My baby girls face is going to turn white?:(
My Golden is pretty good on a leash. I worked with a trainer when she was a pup. But the Lab is a nightmare, constantly pulling. They rarely get walks on a leash.
Getting a second pup 7 months a part worked out great for me. I felt bad about leaving the Golden alone so much. Bringing in a baby she liked to take care of and potty trained her for me. She used the pet door from day 1. I NEVER had an accident with the second pup.
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