Duncan and I stood on the edge of the park, the sky on one side of us blue and hot, a wide, foaming wave of churning black clouds on the other. The wind had picked up and tried to whip the cap from my head, so I pulled it off, scrunched it up and crammed it into my back pocket. The sporadic whipping of the wind was just as hot as the air rising from the street before us. Duncan leaned into it and his nose twitched as he pulled the scents from it: paint from the buildings, fast food from the Carl's Jr., freshly mowed grass from the golf course and a myriad of other things I know nothing about. I looked up at the slowly breaking wave, its crest white and jagged, miles high and as wide as the Colorado sky and pulled on the leash.
"Let's get inside, Dunc. There's a storm coming and I don't like the look of it one bit." He resisted until the first faint clap of thunder rolled across the sky and into the ground. Then he turned and we hurried back to the safety of the apartment.

There is a storm coming and I do not know where we will land.
Mackenzie is all fun-n-games...until she hears the thunder roll. She knows the minute that enters the picture it's time to go inside.
Just stay away from the swinging door, Dorothy and keep tight inside those shoes!
Seriously, hope all's well, my friend.
This seems somewhat prophetic. Spooky even. Like the phrase "something wicked this way comes"
Darwin and Brody don't care about storms. Sprocket paces, and Ozark heads under the end table, all 115# of him.
I'm wondering about the "there is a storm coming, and I do not know where we will land," though. Should I be worried for you?
Run for cover!
My neighbors had a dog that was outside sometimes during storms. She would show up at our door crying. We, my brothers and I, would take let her inside.
Smart move Curt!
Yikes! It landed here last night in a terrifying and spectacular display of torrential rain and lightening so close it made my heart jump. It was the kind of storm that scared the beejeezus out of you when you lived here.
The churning arms of Dolly past overhead last week dropping 4 1/2" of rain at my house. The clouds were incredibly interesting and at one time when I looked up they were blowing two different directions. Wish I had taken great pictures-but that was about the time I saw lightning which drove me inside-I hate storms even interesting ones!
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