Monday, September 4, 2017

Thirteen and Perfect

I have been blessed. In every single way imaginable.

Meet Boar!

Happy birthday to my new teenager. Papa loves you, Roo.


Jyoti said...

You and Duncan were on my mind yesterday and visited me in a dream last night, so I had to check in here this morning, after a long absence. What a long time it has been since I first read about Duncan and his adventure eating the red yarn! Happy belated birthday to your boy. I trust all is well in your world.

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Marty said...

Missing Duncan so much. So, I had to check in. Hope both of you are well.

Marty said...

I keep checking in. I keep hoping you are out there somewhere and we’ll. I am praying Dunc is Ok.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Duncan, you look so happy for your birthday photos. Hope you had a fun time with celebrating the fun day with the family. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals