Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Lovely Up Here!

"Life down a hole takes an awful toll,
What with not a soul there to share with
Hurry––it’s lovely up here!"
("Hurry, It's Lovely Up Here!" Alan Jay Lerner)

It's National Coming Out Day and after Duncan and I strolled around the lake, where a cool breeze was stirring the aspens and elms along its shore, we stopped by Hero's Pets to pick up some treats and to say hello to Chelsea and the gang. As Duncan sniffed along the lower shelves of The Wall of Horror (where Chelsea displays the bully sticks, the tracheas, shark spines and other grizzly goodies) Chelsea handed me something she'd ordered just for me, even though I hadn't asked her to do so. It was a car magnet with a single dog print on it. I've never been one to display things on my car, except for the rainbow dog tags which hang from my rear view mirror, but this was too good to pass up so I took it and stuck it on my car the minute we got home.

I am fortunate because my coming out story was an easy one. My friends and family were supportive and welcoming to Ken.  Coming out is a process, something that never really ends. It was not an easy thing to do but over the years it became something I could do with little thought. It is as much a part of me as the color of my hair, the blue of my eyes or the color of my skin. It is not my sole identity but an aspect of it. I am just as much a son, a brother, a partner, a writer, a friend, and a dog lover.

The other day on Facebook I posted the following photo:

As Ken and I walk with Duncan it often crosses my mind that perhaps he is more evolved than the species with which he has chosen to spend his life. He loves us completely and without conditions, does not mind that we hold hands or are working on spending our lives together as partners. He sees only love.

Now if only the rest of us could follow his example.


Maxmom said...


I love the fact that you guys are so open. You are an example to everyone.

Stereotypes, taboo, pre-conceived ideas, depression, dogma, social intrinsic customs, conditions of association - are all incredibly dangerous concepts and can kill people on an emotional level. (It was an unwillingness of the world to accept my best friend that led her to finally kill herself)

The judgemental nature of human-beings can be the final catalyst to the destruction of a human being. It is the scourge of our society!

The more openly we can speak about these things (stereotypes, dogma, life choices), the more willing people will be to love, accept and embrace them.Every one of us has our own uniqueness - why can't we embrace our differences?

The resistance, you most likely have come across, is primarily due to people's ignorance and own hurt - the fear of a challenge to their own identity.

"Unconditional, positive regard" should be what we all strive for. We are all unique in our makeup - physically, psychologically and spiritually"

Congratulations on taking the step to embrace who you are! We need more people like you in the world!

Sending lotsaluv to you and Ken
(and Duncan too, of course)

Traci said...

"Wall of Horror" How appropriate. Why does every dog food shop/groomer have one of these? Rex loses all sense of propriety when he sees those baskets full of pigs ears and sticks. Last time he got two sticks, in addition to the one I was already buying him. At least the groomer didn't make me pay for the third. :)

Najia said...

How perfect. I love this post. It is the absolute truth. Amen. What's the saying? "I wish I were half the man (or woman!) my dog thinks I am." They truly do only see love.

Finn said...

I love your new sticker! And your photo is right on!